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The Humbly Magnificent Couching Stitch 2.0
Welcome & Getting Started
About your instructor Natalie Dupuis
What to expect & Zoom sign-up form (1:46)
Materials (11:28)
Pre-work: reading of research paper
Guest Speakers
Introducing YOU!
Books Mentioned
Coffee Break / Tea Time Chat
Week 1: Introduction to couching
Pictures & Video: setting-up (3:40)
Video & Article: couching section of research paper (5:21)
Video: demonstration of basic couching stitch (8:01)
Video & Paintings: turning a corner & sinking (6:49)
Assignment: stitched sample & written definition
Zoom meeting week 1: instructions & replay (130:15)
Discussions area for week 1
Week 2: Underside Couching
Video & Article: demonstration of underside couching (12:27)
Article: Opus Anglicum [sic] 1909
Preparing Metal Threads: Koma & Broche (5:16)
Assignment: stitched sample & written definition
Zoom meeting week 2: instructions & replay (100:55)
Discussion area for week 2
Week 3: Diaper Patterns & Pattern Couching
Videos: demonstration of diaper & pattern couching (19:51)
Sources for patterns
Readings: patterns & backgrounds in general
Assignment: stitched sample & written definitions
Zoom meeting week 3: instructions & replay (122:55)
Discussion area for week 3
Weeks 4 & 5: Or Nué
Video: discussion of Or Nué (17:45)
Additional Readings for Or Nué
Vestments of the Golden Fleece
Assignment: stitched sample and written definition
Zoom meeting week 4: instructions & follow-up (133:09)
Zoom meeting week 5: instructions & replay (71:01)
Discussion area for week 4 & 5
Week 6 & 7: Italian Shading
Video: discussion of Italian Shading (6:26)
Assignment: stitched sample and written definition
Zoom meeting week 6: instructions and replay (119:43)
Zoom meeting week 7: instructions and replay (54:44)
Discussion area for weeks 6 & 7
Week 8: Damascening, Vermicelli, Italian Couching
Video: discussion of damascening & vermicelli (9:14)
Video: discussion of Italian couching (3:11)
Assignment: stitched sample and written definition
Zoom meeting week 8: instructions and replay (111:20)
Discussion area for week 8
Weeks 9 & 10: Independent Design
Guidance for Independent Design
Zoom meeting week 9: instructions and replay (113:46)
Zoom meeting week 10: instructions and replay (59:54)
Discussion area for weeks 9 & 10
Wrap up
Your Feedback
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