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Or Nué: Honouring the Chiaroscuro Tradition 2.0
Welcome & Getting Started
About the Instructor Natalie Dupuis
What to Expect & Zoom Sign-up Form (10:01)
Materials (14:25)
Pre-Work (3:40)
Guest Speakers
Introducing YOU!
Recommended Book List
Coffee Break / Tea Time
Week 1: Renaissance Art & Value Overview
Art Scene in the Early Renaissance (0:53)
What is Value?
What is Chiaroscuro?
Week 1 Readings
Week 1 Pictures
Task / Assignment for Week 1
Zoom Meeting - Link & Replay for Week 1 (187:52)
Discussion Area for Week 1
Week 2: Value in Your Design
Identifying Value
Light & Shadows
Metals & Reflective Quality Readings
Week 2 Additional Readings
Week 2 Pictures
Task / Assignment for Week 2
Zoom Meeting - Instructions & Replay (123:48)
Discussion Area for Week 2
Week 3: Value in Your Stitching
From Drawing to Thread Selection
Lines & Curves & Broken Reflective Quality
Week 3 Readings
Week 3 Pictures
Task / Assignment for Week 3
Zoom Meeting - Instructions & Replay (185:40)
Discussion area for Week 3
Week 4: Technical Stitching
Stitching Straight & Mixed Thread Weights (7:05)
Turning Corners & Sinking Threads (6:49)
Koma (5:16)
Sampling your Threads
Design Transfer to Fabric
Week 4 Readings
Week 4 Pictures
Task / Assignment for Week 4
Zoom Meeting - Instructions & Replay (125:47)
Discussion area for Week 4
Week 5: Your Original Design
Performance Task Description
Task / Assignment for Week 5
Week 5 Reading
Self-Assessment for Performance Task
Zoom Meeting - Instructions & Replay (106:12)
Discussion area for Week 5
Week 6: Presentation of Work in Progress
Task / Assignment for Week 6
Zoom Meeting - Instructions & Replay (130:10)
Discussion area for Week 6
Wrap up
What's Next
Your Feedback
Task / Assignment for Week 4
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